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Care n Cure Clinic, Nayapalli, Near Hotel Crown, Bhubaneswar

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+91 7008110200
+91 9090910009

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Mon - Fri : 05:30 - 07:30

Pregnancy Exercise

Home / Pregnancy Exercise

Pregnancy Exercise

Exercise during pregnancy is something many women think about but hardly do. Excuses to avoid exercise vary—no time, it is boring, lack of energy, it may cause harm to the baby etc., are some of the common ones. But the fact remains that exercising during pregnancy has a positive impact on both the baby and the mother.

Here are some reasons why you should get moving

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Services Provided

Exercise to prepare you and your body for birth
Exercise to prepare you and your body for birth

Services Provided

Exercise to reduce stress

Exercise to look better

Tips for a healthy exercise program



If you plan to start on an exercise program, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor and practice certain safety guidelines, before beginning to exercise.