
Clinic Location

Care n Cure Clinic, Nayapalli, Near Hotel Crown, Bhubaneswar

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+91 7008110200
+91 9090910009

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Mon - Fri : 05:30 - 07:30

Antenatal Classes

Home / Antenatal Classes

» » What are antenatal or prenatal classes?

Antenatal or prenatal classes may come in various forms, but all have the same aim – to help prepare you for labour, birth, and early parenthood. Your doctor may be able to recommend a class or your hospital may offer them as part of the pregnancy care package.
  • What happens to you and your baby during labour and birth
  •  Coping with labour and information about pain relief
  •  Exercises to keep you fit during pregnancy and to help during labour
  •  Preparing for life with a new baby
  •  Caring for a newborn, including feeding
  •  Your own health in pregnancy and after the birth
  • Relaxation – Emotions surrounding pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period  ‘Refresher’ classes for those who’ve already had a baby

» » Why go to antenatal or prenatal classes?

Antenatal classes not only help you focus on your pregnancy and forthcoming labour and birth, but they also have a great social function – they’re a great place to meet other parents-to-be. Your antenatal teacher can help you think about labour and birth and becoming a parent, and give you time to ask questions that you may not have at a busy doctor’s appointment.

» » What topics do prenatal classes cover?

  • Antenatal or prenatal classes generally cover topics such as:Looking after yourself in pregnancy, including suggestions about good nutrition preparation of healthy foods and what not to eat.
     Emotional and physical changes you might experience during pregnancy.

         Care of your back.
 Exercise (including pelvic floor exercises).

Practice of various breathing techniques for managing pain in labour.

  •  Options available for a pain-free delivery.

        Relaxation techniques.

  • Prenatal yoga and asanas for maintaining flexibility and stamina.
  • Traditional remedies to handle common problems associated with pregnancy such as nausea, back pain, etc.
  • Talking about the various antenatal screening tests.
  • Preparing for labour and the birth.
  • Using music and reading to bond with your unborn baby.
  • Maintaining good communication between you and your spouse throughout pregnancy.
  • Interactive discussions on preparing mind and body for pregnancy and beyond.
  • Learning the art of a proper massage for you and your baby.
  • Learning how to change nappies and swaddle your baby.

          Breastfeeding and its benefits.

» » Should my husband accompany me to prenatal classes?

These days it is common practice for some classes to be open to couples. For many men, these classes offer a specific time to focus on the pregnancy, which can make the process of becoming a dad more real for them. It’s also a good opportunity to meet other fathers-to-be

» » When should I book my prenatal classes?

It’s a good move to book your antenatal classes early, especially if you are planning to work for as long as possible. Your doctor will be able to provide more details, so do remember to ask during your doctor appointments.