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when visit to doctor ?​

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when visit to doctor ?​

When visit to doctor ?​

You’re pregnant! Besides having your whole world change, that means you’re also about to embark upon a number of prenatal visits. The recommended schedule of prenatal visits is monthly for the first twenty-eight weeks, every two weeks from twenty-eight to thirty-six weeks and weekly thereafter until delivery. While most things in life involve risks, a prenatal visit is one way to protect your unborn baby. According to our Obstetrics & Gynaecology consultant, Dr. Harpreet Kaur, MBBS MS FMAS DMAS the following is what you can expect from a prenatal visit.

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Services Provided

0-4 Weeks
» On your first prenatal visit plan to have:
» Pregnancy confirmed
» A general medical history
» A general physical exam, including an internal exam
» Blood tests: hemoglobin and hematocrit, blood typing, rubella titer, hepatitis B screen
» Pap smear
» Possible blood test for genetic diseases if your history warrants
» Urinalysis
» Weight and blood pressure checks
» Counseling on proper nutrition and avoiding environmental hazards
» Your first prenatal visit will also allow you a chance to discuss your concerns

5-9 Weeks
Examination of your abdomen
» Examination of the size and height of uterus
» Anemia check
» Nutritional counseling
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Urinalysis
» Another opportunity to discuss your concerns

Services Provided

10-14 Weeks
» Examination of your abdomen to feel the top of the uterus
» Measure the size and height of uterus
» Anemia check
» Urinalysis
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Possibly hearing baby’s heartbeat
» Discussion of tests if needed
» Exam for swelling of hands and legs or fluid retention
» Another opportunity to discuss your concerns

15-19 Weeks
Examination of uterus
» Examination for swelling varicose veins, and rashes
» Hear baby’s heartbeat
» Ultrasound shows baby’s movement and developed organs
» A triple screen test for possible prenatal genetic defects
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Urinalysis
» Another opportunity to discuss your concerns

28-32 Weeks
» Examination of uterus
» Examination of your skin for rashes, enlarging veins, and swelling
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Urinalysis
» Hemoglobin and hematocrit, if indicated
» Review of your diet, an opportunity to discuss your weight, if necessary
» Hear baby’s heartbeat
» See ultrasound of how baby has grown (if indicated)
» Another opportunity to discuss your concerns

32-36 Weeks
Examination of uterus
» Examination of skin for rashes, enlarging veins, and swelling
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Urinalysis
» Hemoglobin and hematocrit, if indicated
» Review of your diet, an opportunity to discuss your weight, if necessary
» Hear baby’s heartbeat
» See how baby has grown on ultrasound, if indicated
» Another opportunity to discuss your concerns

36-40 Weeks
» Uterus exam
» Determination of position of baby
» An internal exam, if indicated
» Weight and blood pressure check
» Possible ultrasound
» Urinalysis
» An opportunity to discuss when to call your practitioner if labor begins
» An chance to discuss the difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and the “real” ones
» An opportunity to discuss your birth plan
» An opportunity to discuss other concerns